
Real Options Solution is readily accessible to the non-technical reader and provides unique insights into how value is created in a modern economy. |
"Plans are Options!"
Real options theory is based on Nobel Prize-winning work on financial options, and has captured the interest of executives, managers, and investors who need to understand the future profitability of an asset.
Originally developed to value technology initiatives and companies, the method is now being applied broadly across various businesses and industries.
The Real Options Solution offers comprehensive coverage of the real options approach with a five-step framework and examples for applying the author's unique Total Value Model based on Real Options analysis. This approach will help executives and investors minimize the risk of committing to new ventures and delivers a framework flexible enough to apply to business initiatives in all types of companies.
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"Real Options Solutions is an authoritative, comprehensive view of an increasingly important subject. Investors and executives everywhere should derive total value from it."
- Michael F. Wolff, Editor, Research-Technology Management
Drawing on the concepts of his earlier book, Valuation of Technology, and on his extensive experience as a senior executive in R&D intensive industries, Peter Boer, in his new book The Real Options Solution, has provided vital and quantitative new insight for those investing in an increasingly risk-dominated and volatile marketplace. In The Real Options Solution the author combines traditional economic evaluation with strategic evaluation based on option theory-on the possible courses of action (options) that transcend the purely economic evaluations in both time and very frequently economic and other returns. This excellent book should be required reading for venture capitalists and indeed both those in, and those contemplating entry into today's and tomorrow's markets. The basic ideas here are both simple-like all really good ideas-and potentially very powerful as exemplified in Boer's charming presentation of Queen Isabella's investment in Columbus's first voyage.
- D. Allan Bromley, Yale University
former Science Advisor to President George H. W. Bush
Professor Boer elevates Real Options from its slightly dusty academic origins to a new dynamic role at the center of major corporation decision making and financial marketplace valuation. To me, the key word in the book's title is SOLUTIONS - applied in the way that Dr. Boer describes, Real Options are used to represent strategy alternatives to supplement and fundamentally improve core discounted cash flow valuation. His prize, for readers: a full perspective on the corporation's ultimate source of wealth: the value of its strategic decisions. This is must reading for corporate executives who seek highest value decisions and ultimately, highest possible shareholder value for the corporation they run. This is also essential reading for institutional investors and other valuation-influencers searching for the best methods for separating tomorrow's outperforming corporations in value terms from the dross.
- Pete Clark, VBM Consulting
Dr. Boer's ideas about the economics and management of industrial R&D have had a significant impact. This novel and wonderfully written book provides a modern framework for the analysis of high-risk, high-reward endeavors, which include research and development. The methodology has great intellectual appeal: it integrates real options analysis and net present value analysis, thus capturing the traits of the "new" and "old" economies in the same analytical framework. This it does in a practical, pragmatic manner, suitable to real-life problems in opportunity (and risk) management.
- L. Louis Hegedus, Senior Vice President, Research & Development
ATOFINA Chemicals, Inc.
The Real Options Solution should be read by CEOs, investors, and anyone else interested in making sense of our markets and our economy.
- Jeffrey E. Garten, Dean, Yale School of Management