
The Valuation of Technology is written for executives who must make decisions about technology, scientists and engineers who develop technology, and investors who finance technology. |
"Value cannot be created without risk!"
The Valuation of Technology is a timely and thoughtful book on a critical issue in the global business arena.
Technology valuation has replaced risk management as the management approach to analyzing the profitability of current and future technology projects. The Valuation of Technology: Business and Financial Issues in R&D explores the link between research and development and shareholder value in a comprehensive way, providing mathematical models for the valuation of R&D projects and answering critical questions on how to analyze technology initiatives and forecast their future value.
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"The Valuation of Technology is a timely and thoughtful book on a critical issue in the global business arena. Peter Boer's insights constitute important reading for leaders in all fields."
- Jeffrey E. Garten Dean, Yale School of Management
"The Valuation of Technology is valuable for every leader in every organization that invests in R&D."
- Jeffrey M. Lipton President & CEO NOVA Chemicals
"Dr. F. Peter Boer has been a thought leader in his field for some time. His book demystifies the transformation of science into business."
- Barry Siadat Vice President & Chief Growth Officer AlliedSignal Inc.
"Peter Boer has written a book every R&D manager should not only read, but study."
- Walter L. Robb President former Chief Technical Officer General Electric Corporation
"This book will serve high level executives as well as product and R&D managers who are working to create great wealth and shareholder value."
- Nicholas Pappas Former Member of the Executive Committee DuPont
"This landmark book bridges a significant gap of understanding between the technical and financial communities."
- L. Louis Hegedus Vice President, R&D Elf Atochem N.A.
"For everyone interested in how to value and evaluate technology in terms of adding wealth to a corporation and growth in shareholder value, Dr. Boer's book is must reading."
- Stanley V. Jaskolski Chief Technology Officer Eaton Corp.
"How to evaluate technology and how to choose the appropriate R&D portfolio for further growth is probably the most important issue confronting 20th century companies who plan to be 21st century companies."
- Mary L. Good Managing Member Venture Capital Investors, LLC
"The Valuation of Technology is an astute review of how judgments should be made of the value of research programs including qualitative measures and analyses."
- Paul Cook Chairman & CEO DIVA Systems Corporation Founder and former Chairman Raychem Corp.